Arcade Fire med nytt material under 2013
Publicerad: 25 oktober 2012 av Magnus Olsson
Bandet jobbar på en uppföljare till The Suburbs.
Bandets trummis har berättat om bandets planer i en intervju med radiostationen CKCU 93.1 i Ottawa, där han enligt Arcade Fire Tube agerat DJ under 90-talet. I intervjun bekräftades att bandet jobbar för fullt i studion med uppföljaren till The Suburbs.
”We are just working like we always have. We took a couple months off and we’ve been writing songs. Now we’re in the studio pretty much full-time just doing what we do. And we kind of shut the door. We haven’t really gone out and done anything in over a year now. We haven’t done photos or interviews or anything. We’re just working on music and growing beards and living at home a lot and going out to dinner together.”
Inga deadlines, men innan 2013 är slut ska en ny skiva signerad Arcade Fire ha ploppat ut.
”We’re not that far into a record, but we’ve been working for a few months now. We are under no pressure from record labels or management or whatever to do anything on any sort of schedule. We’re just working. We have no deadlines. It’s kind of coming along.”