
Band of Horses Ben Bridwell går solo

Publicerad: 7 oktober 2013 av Magnus Olsson

Birdsmell nytt projekt för Ben Bridwell.

Bandet av hästar har spottat ur sig mängder med hits i folktappning, de har skildrats i tv-serier och spelat på jordens alla kontinenter. Nu är det dags för ett nytt kapitel. Bandets sångare Ben Bridwell presenterar ett nytt projekt, Birdsmell. För att vara precis rör det sig om hans soloprojekt. Redan nu finns spelningar på den amerikanska kontinenten inbokade precis som de första låtarna. Herr Bridwell har även lagt ut ett statement:

 “While living in Minneapolis in 2008, I covered the George Harrison song, ‘Your Love Is Forever’ with some buddies of mine. The track ended up being released on a Starbucks compilation. A few years later, I enlisted those same musicians to record some songs of mine that had been sitting around for far too long, some of which could be said to be uncomfortably silly and devoid of all reasonable taste. I wasn’t exactly in a rush to get them out to the discerning earholes of the public. Regardless, this project was pure enjoyment for me and it was nice to not give a damn about anything, but having fun recording these songs. I’ve now decided to take this approach on the road on the Birdsmell tour, which will be coming to a Deep Southern town near you this fall.”

Foto: Alexander Tillheden