Belle & Sebastians nionde album kommer i höst
Publicerad: 21 januari 2014 av Magnus Olsson
Glasgow-indie bakas i ugnen.
Belle & Sebastian släppte loss lite rariteter förra året och ställde in sin spelning på Bråvalla, men finns återigen med i festivalens startfält. Redan förra hösten hintade bandet om att arbetet med uppföljaren till 2010 års Belle and Sebastian Write About Love. I en intervju med Rolling Stone berättar Stuart Murdoch – som senaste tiden ägnat sig åt God Help the Girl, filmatiseringen av tre vänner som startat ett band – att Belle & Sebastian återvänder till studion i mars för bandets nionde album. Ett album som han förväntar sig vara klart till hösten.
”Yes, we’ve been writing in Glasgow and we will start the record in March. I hope it will be out by autumn. If not, we will have failed. One of the things I wanted to explore – this might seem a bit facetious, but we have this thing called a Eurovision Song Contest. For example, Abba won in 1974, and that’s how they got their big break. And that was really the last great song from Eurovision. Since then it’s been kind of a train wreck, but it gives you a window into every little country, and it’s the only time that Europe gets together for this big party, and now, especially now, we have all the Russian block, eastern block countries, it’s all shifted to the East. So in a sense, I remember saying to the band, I want to do an album that one song feels like it could be the Cyprus entry for 1974. And then next song would be the German entry for 1989, or something like that. You might not see that in the finished songs, but somewhere that’s been an inspiration. ”