Black Rebel Motorcycle Club tillbaka med nytt album
Publicerad: 16 november 2012 av David Winsnes
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club är tillbaka.
Senast Black Rebel Motorcycle Club släppte nytt album var 2010, då Beat the Devil’s Tattoo togs emot med blandad respons. Igår annonserade de på sin Facebooksida att de åter är aktuella med nytt material. I mars nästa år släpps nästa fullängdare som ännu inte har något officiellt namn. En Europaturné följer – utan skandinaviska datum. Så här skrev bandet till sina fans om saken:
”Hey guys, I would like to be the first to tell everyone who has been patiently waiting, that the new Black Rebel Motorcycle Club album is officially confirmed to be released in March 2013. This album has taken every last ounce of us to bring to life, and if it wasn’t for you guys keeping us going, we don’t know if it would’ve ever seen the light of day. It’s going to be a joyful day indeed when we get to see you all again and share these songs with you. Peter, Leah and myself are dying to get out of this studio right now and back into the fight. It’s taken us a long while getting back on our feet, but the time has come.”