Caspians basist Chris Friedrich har dött
Publicerad: 28 augusti 2013 av David Winsnes
Postrockbandet meddelade den tragiska nyheten under eftermiddagen.
Caspian, som de senaste åren besökt Sverige vid ett flertal tillfällen (recension från senast) och förra året släppte det utmärkta albumet Waking Season, tvingades under dagen meddela en mycket tragisk nyhet. Bandets basist, Chris Friedrich, avled under söndagseftermiddagen. De fyra övriga medlemmarna har skrivit ett längre uttalande på sin Facebooksida, där de bland annat berättar att de kommer att ge en välgörenhetsspelning den kommande lördagen.
Läs nedan.
”Dear Friends,
We write to you today with heavy hearts and indescribable sadness to tell you that our bass player, Chris Friedrich, died unexpectedly Sunday afternoon. We have lost a close friend, a true brother, and a presence that can never be replaced in any of our lives. Chris epitomized the heart and soul of Caspian, and in our own ways — both individually and collectively — dedicate ourselves to honoring his memory. We ask for privacy. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.
We will be paying tribute this Saturday (8/31) to Chris by performing at The Engine Room in Manchester, NH. This is a benefit show for a friend of Chris’s who is seeking funding for a lung transplant. Chris was instrumental in putting this show together, and is the only way we know how to honor his memory at this time. You can find more information in our events section for this performance.
We love you all so very much.”