Crystal Castles donerar överskott till Amnesty
Publicerad: 21 augusti 2016 av Magnus Olsson
Vill ge världen en hjälpande hand.
Crystal Castles har med singeln Char och albumet Amnesty (I) börjat om på en ny kula sedan Alice Glass hoppade av. Numer är det Edith Frances som hörs ovan Ethan Kaths produktioner. Och med sitt purfärska album i ryggen, vill de även göra världen till en bättre plats. Allt överskott som albumet generar på artisternas sida (skivbolagets cut är inte inräknat) går oavkortat till den hjälpande rättighetsorganisationen Amnesty International.
”A lot of fucked up stuff is going on in 2016. Its been a year of glaring violations of human rights. As much as the world can seem scary, seeing how so many people are reacting is inspiring. It’s vital for us to actually support the people taking direct action to make a difference.
The band’s share of proceeds from our new album Amnesty (I) will be donated to Amnesty International. Physical copies (vinyl/cd) have a bonus track. We want our voices to call attention to issues that need to be illuminated. Amnesty International stand up for human rights by fighting injustice hands-on, and gives a voice to those who may feel voiceless. They fight for LGBTQ rights, women’s rights, prisoner rights, and children’s rights. They fight against discrimination, arbitrary detention and unfair trials, and civilian injustice. They are the people on the ground working to change these issues and they need our help. Not just our words, but also our resources. The world is at a critical tipping point. Human rights have no borders, no language, no religion and no race. This applies to you and affects you. I challenge more musicians to do the same with their albums. Donate your proceeds to a charity of your choice. No longer can we sit back and watch and talk; what we really need right now is action.”
25 oktober gör bandet en spelning på KB i Malmö följt av en spelning på Debaser Strand i Stockholm 28 oktober.