En bebis crowdsurfade på Glastonbury
Publicerad: 30 juni 2013 av David Winsnes
Bebis crowdsurfade i barnvagn på Glastonbury.
Vi har sett en hel del konstigt på festivaler genom åren. I i vissa fall inkluderar det olika former av störd crowdsurfing. Frågan är dock om det som hände på Glastonbury i helgen inte tar priset. The Guardians musikredaktör Tim Jonze berättar i dag på tidskriftens hemsida om hur han under festivalhelgen upplevde en bebis surfa via publikens händer på en spelning på den nya ploj-scenen The Rabbit Hole.
Glastonbury-grundaren Michael Eavis gjorde vid tidpunkten en karaokeversion av Suspicious Minds uppbackad av en grupp vid namn The Vodka Jellies Karaoke Band (man hör ju redan här att sjuka grejer kommer att inträffa). Ingen video finns att tillgå men en publikbild hann knäppas, vilken kan ses ovan. Jonze skriver följande om den surrealistiska händelsen:
”The baby in question did at least surf with the protection of a baby buggy, hoisted up, I originally assumed, by parents desperate to immerse their sprog in the most bruising of gig rituals.
”Stop!” screamed the lady next to me when the baby first emerged. ”I’m sorry, but this is just not right!” shouted another. But still the baby marched on, the buggy passed from audience member to audience member. People continued tutting but at least the baby seemed to be in tune with the spirit of the festival: like most Glastonbury-goers, he was unable to form complete sentences and could not handle solid food.
Then, as the baby approached the stage, the crowd surfing mission became clear. ”Oh, that’s his dad on stage!” said one local, as if now it suddenly all made sense. This was no longer an irresponsible act of child cruelty but simply one baby’s mission to crowd surf towards his musician father, one of the members of the band. What could be more commonplace?”