Foxygen ställer in Way Out West-spelning
Publicerad: 28 mars 2013 av Johan Alm
Los Angeles-duon ställer in hela sin Europaturné, inklusive Way Out West.
Foxygen släppte sin utmärkta andraskiva We Are the 21st Century Ambassadors of Peace & Magic i januari (läs vår recension här) och i början på februari bokades de till Stay Out West-delen av Way Out West. Nyss meddelade bandet tyvärr att de ställt in hela sin Europaturné, inklusive spelningen på Way Out West samt Roskilde och Øyafestivalen. Bandet skriver att ”this is ultimately for the creative health of the band”, men lovar dock att de snart kommer tillbaka till Europa. Läs hela uttalandet nedan.
We have some unfortunate news. We have to cancel our upcoming EU dates for May/June and upcoming EU summer festival dates. We’d like apologize to all our European fans and supporters. We know this causes frustration and headaches for ticket buyers and promoters alike. We assure you this is ultimately for the creative health of the band. We will back in EU soon and promise to make this up to all of you. Please understand. Thank you again, all of you. Your time, attention and support mean the world to us. Love, Foxygen.