Kanye West en av de mest inflytelserika i världen
Publicerad: 16 april 2015 av Magnus Olsson
TIME Magazine har korat de mest inflytelserika människorna i världen.
Varje år ger sig TIME Magazine på bedriften att kora de mest inflytelserika människorna just nu. 2015 är inget undantag. Listan är bitvis väldigt intressant, i toppen bland namn som Apples VD Tim Cook, skådespelaren Lee Daniels, Saturday Night Live-skaparen Lorne Michaels och DreamWorks högst höns Mellody Hobson hittar vi även Kanye West och hans fru Kim Kardashian. Om Kanye West skriver de bland annat följande:
Kanye West would be the first person to tell you he belongs on this list. The dude doesn’t believe in false modesty, and he shouldn’t. Kanye’s belief in himself and his incredible tenacity—he performed his first single with his jaw wired shut—got him to where he is today. And he fought for his place in the cultural pantheon with a purpose. In his debut album, over a decade ago, Kanye issued what amounted to a social critique and a call to arms (with a beat): “We rappers is role models: we rap, we don’t think.” But Kanye does think. Constantly. About everything. And he wants everybody else to do the same: to engage, question, push boundaries. Now that he’s a pop-culture juggernaut, he has the platform to achieve just that. He’s not afraid of being judged or ridiculed in the process. Kanye’s been playing the long game all along, and we’re only just beginning to see why.
Han är dock inte den enda musikern som kvalar in på listan med hela 100 namn – även Björk och Taylor Swift gör honom sällskap. Här ser ni hur Kanye West pryder en av tidningens många omslag just nu.