
Ladda ned Joy Division spelning från 1980

Publicerad: 21 november 2012 av Magnus Olsson

Inspelning från Joy Divisions spelning på University Of London finns att tillgå.

Drew Crumbaugh tillgängliggör bandets spelning från 1980 på University Of London där bandet testade material för vad som visade sig bli bandets sista studioalbum, Closer. Skivan som släpptes två månader efter Ian Curtis självmord. 2006 fick Drew följande förfrågan ”assist with the sourcing, cleanup, and mastering of various Joy Division gigs”  för bandets deluxe utgåva 2007.

I ett blogginlägg delar Crumbaugh  med sig om sina tanker: ”[listens] to the stuff I turned into the band and [label] Rhino in late 2006 and essentially cringe. Not because it’s bad, because it’s not, but with where I’ve advanced to today my 2006 work sounds amateur to these ears.”

Via Crumbaughs blogg som du hittar här kan du ladda ned bandets spelning på University Of London 8 februari 1980.

”I went back to the original raw transfers from Duncan Haysom’s 1980 master cassette tapes, the very tapes on which he recorded the Joy Division gigs that we released. I started from scratch– essentially, if Warners came knocking today and asked me to master these gigs, I did what I’d do for them with the skills, techniques, secret sauces and magic I’ve either advanced or flat-out learned anew since 2006.

”They are spectacular. Not to toot my own horn, but these now simply crush what was used on the 2007 releases. Even the most hearing-challenged of listeners can tell the difference, and not just by minutiae. Cymbals ring, drums go THWACK and not ”thwop”, guitars slice through the murk.

”So we start, chronologically by performance date, with the set used in association with the Closer Collector’s Edition. Recorded by Duncan, this set from the University of London Union is a stormer. You get the still in-development Closer tracks (which had yet to be recorded by Martin Hannett) mixed in with stridently-performed Unknown Pleasures and other pre-Closer choices. You get ”Dead Souls” brilliantly leading off the set, and you get ”Digital” taking us out. And thanks to Duncan, it’s magically captured on C45 tape for us to enjoy 32+ years on.”