Ny musik

LYSSNA: City & Colour – ”Nowhere, Texas”

Publicerad: 11 december 2014 av Anton Magnusson

Dallas Green talar ut om våld emot kvinnor.

Singer-songwritern Dallas Green som släpper musik under sitt artistnamn City & Colour har släppt en ny låt. Det tidigare outgivna spåret Nowhere, Texas spelades in i samband med förra albumet men lades då åt sidan. Nu ges den ut för att väcka uppmärksamhet om våld emot kvinnor. I uttalandet för den nya låten berättar Green:

”’I wrote the song after watching a movie, ’Texas Killing Fields.’ I couldn’t shake the real story of a lonely road that became the final resting place of missing women. This song tells that story – but sadly this road does not stand alone. Places like this are everywhere.

This weekend marks the 25 year anniversary of the Montreal Massacre – the day 14 women were murdered and another 14 people were injured at the hands of a single gunman because they were women. December 6 is Canada’s National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women.”