My Chemical Romance splittras
Publicerad: 23 mars 2013 av Magnus Olsson
Efter 12 år går de skilda vägar.
My Chemical Romance har under 12 år banat väg för en rock/emo-våg av sällan skådat slag och blivit en viktig institution inom genren. De har varit dragplåster på några av världens största festivaler, däribland Reading/Leeds, men nu har de sagt sina sista ord.
“Being in this band for the past 12 years has been a true blessing. We’ve gotten to go places we never knew we would. We’ve been able to see and experience things we never imagined possible. We’ve shared the stage with people we admire, people we look up to, and best of all, our friends. And now, like all great things, it has come time for it to end. Thanks for all of your support, and for being part of the adventure.”