Noel Gallagher vill samarbeta med Damon Albarn
Publicerad: 22 mars 2018 av Magnus Olsson
Rivalerna ska bli vänner.
Under 90-talet var det två läger i britpop-fåran – på ena sidan Oasis på andra sidan Blur. Då skulle det varit otänkbart att någon av bröderna Gallagher skulle samarbeta med rivalen Damon Albarn. Nu är det dock andra tider. På Gorillaz-låten We Got the Power från förra året gästar exempelvis Noel på sång, dock lite i bakvattnet.
Det var nära att Albarn skulle ha gästas Gallaghers Who Built the Moon? och nu meddelar Noel att han har intentioner på att jobba med sin forna rival igen.
[Damon] was supposed to play on ‘Who Built The Moon?’ but we couldn’t make the timings work. Maybe next time.
I really love working and hanging out with that mob. Not just Damon, but all his people. It turned out we had a lot of mutual friends and they’re all cool as fuck. The Gorillaz shows at The O2 recently were two mega nights out.
If you’d told my younger self that he’d done one day be singing on a record by Damon Albarn he would have laughed and probably said, ‘If either of you are still going it’ll be a fucking miracle – a sick joke that will fascinate speccy Guardian-reading journalists for years.