Nu kan du byta ut dina skrivbordsappar till Kanye Wests ansikte
Publicerad: 18 juni 2014 av Anton Magnusson
Bakom applikationen är amerikanska företaget The Free Art and Technology.
Mångsysslaren Kanye West skapar ofta rubriker med sina uttalanden, i veckan när han besökte Cannes uttalade han sig om internet – West tycker att internet skulle kunna bli vackrare. Det amerikanska företaget The Free Art and Technology har nu utvecklat en app som gör att alla dina applikationsikoner på skrivbordet blir Kanye Wests huvud, bilderna är plockade från hela hans karriär. Applikationen kan laddas ner på deras hemsida. Läs hela Wests uttalande nedan.
“After [Steve Jobs] passed, I made it my life’s mission to do what he did inside of that company. I dream to help raise the palette and raise the taste level of a generation and also be involved with the production and distribution and advertising of that thing everyone’s begging for.”
“Now, can you imagine telling someone who just wants to Instagram a photo, the No. 1 person on Instagram, that we need to work on the color of the flowered wall? But the fact that the No. 1 most liked photo has this certain aesthetic on it was a win for what the mission is—of raising the palette.”
“The reason I said I didn’t like Samsung particularly is because throughout my entire life, because of how my parents raised me, I have to work with the No. 1. I can’t work with anyone but Jay Z, because he’s No. 1. I can’t be with any girl but Kim, because that’s the girl whose pictures I look at the most and get turned on by. I’m not going to represent any company but Louis Vuitton, because that’s No. 1. … Samsung is not quite Apple, but it showed that Jimmy [Iovine] and Dre would be able to connect with the No. 1 influencers.”
“The world as a whole is fucking ugly. The Internet as a whole is fucking ugly, too. But I’m not in the construction business.”
“People ask, Where’s our future? Where’s our flying cars? That is the world that’s floating above us right now. And we can make that beautiful with the people in Cannes right now.”