
Pastor varnar för Ghost

Publicerad: 20 november 2018 av Magnus Olsson

Samlades för att be inför bandets konsert.

I Midland, Texas samlades en grupp människor för att be inför Ghost kommande spelning. De menade att det svenska metalbandet Ghost skulle komma med sina mörka och satanistiska värderingar och förpesta tillvaron. Pastorn för denna religiösa grupp, Larry Lang, medverkade i en radiointervju där han utvecklade sitt resonemang och samtidigt överraskad av att ett band som Ghost bokats till området.

I don’t know that we can stop the band from coming — I don’t know how that works — but this is very concerning to me. And I’m not so much concerned about the band as I am about the fact that Wagner Noël didn’t have better sense than to sign this band. What are those people thinking? Are they a part of our community? Do they care what the majority of our community might think about something like that. It’s quite remarkable to me that they would even sign a band like that.

Det är givetvis delar av Ghost lyrik som oroar pastorn, men också bandets estetik och anti-kristendom.

 And then the rest of ’em go by ’ghoulish horde’ or something like that. Of course, you see this kind of stuff and you say, ’Well, how much of this…? Do they understand?’ I think that they understand all of it. I think that they are doing this intentionally, and I think they really do worship the devil, because I believe… as a Christian, as a biblical Christian, I believe the devil’s real. So I imagine maybe some people listening right now would say, ’Oh, you guys are getting overblown with this,’ and those kinds of things. Well, you would only think that if you didn’t think the devil was real.

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