Producent avbokas från festivaler efter attack mot homosexuella
Publicerad: 8 juni 2015 av Magnus Olsson
Ten Walls får kalla handen efter sitt uttalande.
Från Litauen kommer producenten Ten Walls, ett namn som på senare år etsat sig fast i klubbvärlden mycket tack vare singeln Walking with Elephants. Vilket också bidragit till att han blivit ett givet namn på festivaler som Coachella, Sonár och Creamfields. I ett meddelande på Facebook som nu har raderats har stjärnan likställt homosexuella med pedofiler.
“I remember producing music for one Lithuanian musician, who tried to wash my brain that I don’t need to be so conservative and intolerant about them,”
When I asked him ‘what would you do if you realised that your 16-year-old son’s browny (anus) is ripped by his boyfriend?’ Well he was silent.”
“the good 90s … these people of different breed where [sic] fixed.”
“One of my first gigs in Ireland, on my way to [my] hotel I saw a church with a fence decorated with hundreds of baby shoes,” följt av “Naturally I wondered why? Unfortunately a priest’s lie for many years was uncovered when children were massively raped. Unfortunately the people of other breed continue to do it and everyone knows it but does nothing.”
Som en följd av hans uttalade syn på homosexuella har en rad festivaler valt att avboka Ten Walls från sommarens festivalspelningar, bland dessa märker vi Creamfields, Sonár, Pukkelpop och Pitch.
“Whilst we respect freedom of speech, we find his defamatory and prejudiced comments about the gay community extremely offensive and feel that this is not in line with the spirit of Creamfields or an opinion that we support,”