Simian Mobile Disco släpper nytt i september
Publicerad: 17 juni 2014 av Anton Magnusson
Den brittiska duon är tillbaka med ett fjärde album.
Albumet som fått titeln Whorl är en liveinspelning av deras framträdande på Pappy & Harriet’s Saloon i den lilla cowboy-byn Pioneertown, Kalifornien tidigare i år, där de spelade de nya låtarna. I ett uttalande angående inspelningen och idén bakom berättar dem:
The recordings we did in the studio while we were writing and rehearsing the new material for Whorl were simply ‘live’ takes – the system we’re using has limited ability to save patterns in the sequencer, but nothing like the flexibility of a computer. Live performance and studio composition are essentially now the same process, rather than the common method of writing a track using the computer, and then working out ways to perform it live. We planned not to slavishly limit ourselves just to this performance – when we came to mixdown the album, we used portions of three sessions – the show itself, an extended jam we did in the desert the day before, and a little of our London studio rehearsal.
Detta blir deras första album sedan 2012 års Unpatterns. Det tolv spår långa albumet ges ut den 9 september, se trailern nedan.