
The Fall of Troy officiellt återförenade

Publicerad: 21 januari 2014 av David Winsnes

Arbetar på ny musik och planerar turnéer.

The Fall of Troy fortsätter tillsammans. Den amerikanska posthardcoretrion återförenades i slutet av förra året för tre spelningar i Austin. Det verkar ha givit mersmak, för nu är bandet redo att skriva nya kapitel i karriären. The Fall of Troy kommer både att arbeta på ny musik – en potentiell uppföljare till 2009 års In the Unlikely Event – och ge sig ut på mer omfattande turnéer. Läs hela meddelandet från bandet nedan:

”Last month was the first time we played together, in front of anyone, in over five years. The nervousness, the trepidation, the self-doubt that we felt leading up to that weekend disappeared when we hit that stage. You welcomed us back.

As the weekend began, we really saw how awesome you guys truly are. You took care of each other, you made new friends states away, and you treated us like we never left.

As the weekend continued, we realized that you guys were no longer fans, you had become part of our weird family. You were the 4th member of the band.

As the weekend ended, you guys left, and we missed you. We missed all our new brothers and sisters we had met, and most importantly, we want to meet more of you.

So we decided that we, The Fall of Troy, are going to stay around as long as you, our family, want us to.

We are nothing without you, and that is why we are going to do things differently this time around. We’re going to go directly to you guys, no more middle men, all DIY.

We’re booking our own shows, where you want to see us. We are recording our own music, and we doing it all for you, and for free. Consider yourself our label, consider yourself our booking agent. We play where you want us to play, and we make music for you.

Now on to something really fun.

We will be playing in Seattle at the Showbox at the Market on February 22nd.

VIP Passes go on sale at midnight (PST) here: http://thefalloftroy.us/
Regular Tickets go on sale and noon (PST) on 01/24

We are selling tickets via our website to keep service charges from $5 down to $1.

So if you’re in Northern California, so if you’re Oregon, so if you’re in Idaho, so if you’re Montana, so if you’re Wyoming, so if you’re in Nevada, so if you’re in Utah, so if you’re in Colorado, so if you can make it, get to Seattle, you have one month.

We will see you on stage.”