The Jesus and Mary Chains nya album gästas av Sky Ferreira
Publicerad: 9 mars 2017 av Rikard Berg
Electropopstjärnan sjunger en duett.
Den 24 mars släpper The Jesus and Mary Chain ett nytt album – deras första på hela 18 år. I en ny intervju med Pitchfork berättar Jim Reid om återkomsten. Där diskuterar han bland annat de gästartister som sjunger duetter på skivan, inklusive både electropopstjärnan Sky Ferreira och den tidigare Belle and Sebastian-medlemmen Isobel Campbell. Den förstnämnda sjunger på låten Black and Blue, ett samarbete som Reid säger följande om:
She came to see the band a couple of times in America a couple of years ago. It turns out she’s a fan. We were just getting the album together, and we realized there were a lot of duets. So we started asking our friends, ‘Well, who do you think we should get?’ And she had just done a vocal with Primal Scream. So we had asked Bobby [Gillespie, once the Jesus and Mary Chain’s drummer in addition to singing with Primal Scream], who do you think we should get to sing on our record, and obviously he said Sky, so, of course, why not? So we asked, and she was keen, and she did a fine job.
Isobel Campbell sjunger i sin tur på två låtar på skivan.
We’d never met, we don’t know her, but we’re fans of her music and her voice, and we just thought she would be a perfect fit for the Mary Chain. All it takes is a phone call. We found out how to get in touch with her, called her up, and luckily she said she’d do it.
Nedan kan du se musikvideon till nya låten Always Sad medan du väntar på det nya albumet.