The Libertines har skrivit fem nya låtar
Publicerad: 13 november 2014 av Magnus Olsson
Carl Barât bekräftar att han och Pete skrivit fem låtar.
Det nya The Libertines-albumet har börjat forma sig. I en intervju med NME kan Carl Barât bekräfta att han och Pete Doherty har skrivit fem låtar till det kommande albumet som ska se dagens ljus nästa år. Duon befinner sig just nu i Bangkok där Pete är på ett rehab för sitt heroin-missbruk.
”This is only day two, so let’s see how it goes. It’s relaxed. My guitar broke on the aeroplane. I got a new one but right now the sound is two nylon string guitars – I don’t think that’ll make it to the record. We’re still going through the old tracks and new bits and bobs and see where we’re at, really. The songs are going to dictate their own sound. We’ve only done bits and bobs on tour. We were both reminding each other of scores of tunes that we’d forgotten that had never seen the light of day. But Plan A is to write new things. There’s about five new tunes on the work bench at this stage and that’s just from having been in each other’s company, not even sitting down to write. One’s called ’Woke Up Again’, but that’s a working title.”